Safety Meets Fashion

The CDC recommends use of cloth-based face coverings in some public settings. Some is all for me, and for many people not willing to risk their lives or their loved ones lives with COVID-19 still relevant. With first responders having priority to medical-grade personal protective equipment, we are responsible for covering our noses and mouths with cloth face coverings. Luckily, businesses across the world have transitioned from making everything from clothing, shoes and makeup to face masks and hand sanitizer.

Now that the sudden demand of face masks has neutralized, designers are turning PPE into our newest accessory by using fun prints and fabrics. I’ve curated a selection of stylish face masks to coordinate with any look!

Stand Out




There’s no specific treatment for coronavirus but simple measures like washing your hands often with soap and water can help stop the virus from spreading. Wear your mask in public areas and wash your mask regularly to avoid the spread of germs and clogged pores! Stay safe, XO.

I am happy to offer my personal shopping and styling services virtually! As we transition into a new normal, I would love to help you achieve style with comfort – at the best prices. Book now!

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